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You are WHOLE


Hi Beautiful Soul,

I am here as a little bookmark, a reminder that you are completely whole and perfect just as you are. You are divinely you, no matter what you are moving through. There is nothing wrong with you. You are human. You are a spiritual being living in a body that is experiencing this world and all that it brings.

Let me repeat one thing to be crystal clear. There is nothing wrong with you. The world outside can be scary, yet when you face that with your light, you will see the waters aren’t so choppy.

We live in a world that makes it very challenging to feel safe being our full selves. It is these societal expectations along with conditioned beliefs in our minds that create the distance from soul, it is NOT you. You are a pure soul trying to fit into a society that isn’t always set up to shine bright. How could this feel good?


Below are some ways that I believe our society and belief systems create a feeling of detachment from our soul. However, to put it simply.......distractions, upon distractions that bring us away from spending


1. They tell us what we "should" do throughout life. (Goals/Ambitions, Clothing, Housing)


2. We are flooded with energy that is not ours through the media and constant exposure of content. This can put our nervous system in a state that doesn't align with our direct environment, creating confusion, despair and detachment. Although there are many positives to access and connection, we need to be aware of the power that these sources have in our energy bodies and in our life.


3. We are presented with the idea that life should be linear with one direct path. We are told that there is an end destination to achieve in life and that this destination is external goals and accomplishments. We are made to feel that you cannot change your mind, "go your own way" and trust yourself.


All of these lessen our connection to our inner compass and teach us to rely heavily on external factors for validation, assurance and a sense of belonging.

The beautiful thing is that when we begin to truly connect with soul, and connect with oneness, we realize the true power and light that we hold. We begin to see and feel our own soul-rhythm and the flow of this state. All of those things that we experience as humans are still there but the reflection of them turns outward instead of inward. We realize that by listening to our intuition, by connecting to "God", "the universe," "the soul" we live the life we are meant to live and our external matches that beautifully. Even though this doesn't mean everything is always "perfect," we begin to see our beauty reflected back to us even in the darkest places.This is the power of soul-centered living and why it is your divine right. It supports you in continuing to remember your wholeness over and over again and that the universe (even in your darkest moments) conspires to assist you.


Keep listening in. Keep finding those times in your life when you feel most connected and follow your heart. It never fails you. Of course, should you be called to a guide, I am here for you........I am sending you so much love and deeply loving each and every one of you as you continue to remember the beauty that you are!


All my love,


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Sessions are held at Kate's office in Scituate Harbor, Scituate MA or via Zoom.

Kate Stacom is committed to your personal well-being and healing. However, the services that Kate provides are not in the capacity of a mental health professional and Kate will not provide you with mental health counseling or advice. Nothing contained on the site, services or opinions/recommendations offered by Kate Stacom should be construed as any form of or substitute for such medical, psychological advice or diagnosis. You are urged and advised to seek the advice of a mental health professional or physician for such an evaluation.  Kate Stacom’s services may not be right for you and she makes no commitments or guarantees of any kind that any part of her offering or your use thereof will meet your requirements or expectations.​​ Kate Stacom shall not be liable for any decisions and/or actions taken based on the information given in a session. Specific results are not guaranteed and there is no assurance that previous results can be duplicated in the future.

If you are under 18 years of age a legal guardian must be present with you for the appointment. If you are under 18 years of age, you are not eligible to purchase an Intuitive Check-In. Please note that although Kate makes every effort to send video recordings back to you and hold zoom meetings in a protected manner, she cannot guarantee a secure online connection and is not responsible for any security breach. 

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