Hello Beautiful Soul,
When you think about silence...............what comes up for you? In the past, silence has been terrifying for me and I know I am not alone in that experience. For many different reasons we are extremely uncomfortable with silence. Unfortunately, this discomfort has only grown for the masses, breeding with it an attachment to overstimulation, and overconsumption. Since recognizing the need for more silence in my own life, I have been in a deep space of remembering who and what I am. The biggest part of that remembering has been slowing down, being in the deep presence of my life and sitting in a lot of silence. I am drawn to the mystical experiences that arise when we allow ourselves to feel the space that lies in the silence. To feel the stillness within this space.
Silence is one of the biggest gifts we can give ourselves AND we must be open to what this space invites us into. These may include our fears, anxieties, sadness, insecurities etc. “Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again?” Ring a bell? It brings up things that we thought were "gone and pushed away for good" and we may want to run.......I implore you to not escape. See what staying can bring to you.
The seasons can often be my greatest teachers and it’s no surprise that last summer around this same time I wrote about the surrendering that summer often brings me. And so it has come full circle. I am in a time of deep surrendering AND going deeper into the silence. I am grateful that I am at a place in my life now where I can sit in the silence and not want to fill the space immediately. This is an ongoing practice and I am grateful that I can practice it. The silence is bringing forward more faith in the powers that be and the incredible medicine of divine timing.
During this summer season, I invite you into the practice of silence.
1. Notice when life invites the pauses into your life. a. Is it during the everyday moments between words, sentences etc? b. Is it during seasons of your life when you are being invited to not make decisions or plans? c. Is it creating new routine in your daily routine away from social media, television or other stimulation?
Whatever way you find it, trust that you are held and beautifully safe.
A gentle reminder that we cannot have light without the darkness. A star cannot be seen in the daylight.
All my love,
Kate Stacom Supporting Wholeness Through Spirit and Soul |
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